Apr 29, 2020 | Blog, Community News, Events, Ideas and Advice, Memory Cafes
Brown County Dementia Friendly Community Coalition WCOVID-19 Resources for People with Dementia and their Caregivers Virtual Support/Educational...
Jan 16, 2019 | Blog, Community News, Dementia FAQS, Memory Cafes
Studies have shown that those with dementia struggle with loneliness, boredom, and helplessness. It turns out that one of the best medicines is socialization. Dementia individuals and their caregivers getting out and socializing has shown to increase their overall...
Mar 14, 2018 | Blog, Community News, Forget Me Not News, Memory Cafes
The Wolf River Dementia and Caregiver Network is made up of partners in health fields, businesses, and church organizations with the mission of bringing together individuals and resources to assist, educate, and empower our communities to improve the quality of life...
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