Shawano, Wisc.– Forget Me Not Fund, INC, a local nonprofit organization supporting Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia awareness and education, is pleased to announce Thrivent Financial- Shawano Area Team of Dean and Jeanne Kaczorowski as the Diamond Sponsor for the 2018 Forget Me Not Fall Fashion Show.
This is the 10th anniversary of the event which helps to raise money for community education and initiatives which help to promote awareness about Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia throughout the Wolf River region. The fashion show, started by the Wolf River Dementia Network in 2007, brings together supporters and allies for a night of food, fun, and fashion.
The Thrivent Financial- Shawano Area Team, comprised of Dean & Jeanne Kaczorowski, has been actively involved with Forget Me Not Fund and the Fall Fashion Show for many years. “Dean and I feel it’s our purpose to give back to our community, so we look for ways to do that in the things we’re passionate about. Being involved with the Alzheimer’s Association on a local level through the Forget Me Not Fund and the Wolf River Dementia Network, and the fact that Alzheimer’s Disease has affected my family, it was easy to make the decision to become this year’s Diamond Sponsor for the Forget Me Not Fall Fashion Show,” says Jeanne.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are more than 5.7 Million people with Alzheimer’s Disease currently living in the United States. It is estimated that 16.1 Million Americans provide 18.4 Billion hours of unpaid care for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias each year. Alzheimer’s can take a devastating toll on caregivers. Compared with caregivers of people without dementia, twice as many caregivers of those with dementia indicate substantial emotional, financial, and physical difficulties. Forget Me Not Fund, INC strives to provide the needed support and education for these caregivers in Shawano and Oconto Counties as well as the Menominee and Stockbridge Munsee Tribal Areas.
The Forget Me Not Fall Fashion Show would not be possible without the generosity of this year’s Diamond Sponsors. To learn more about Thrivent Financial- Shawano Area Team please click here or call 715-526-4334. Learn more about the 2018 Fall Fashion Show here or about work the Forget Me Not Fund does by clicking here.
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